ASP worldwide

Our Global Presence

A Journey of Worldwide Excellence

Since our humble beginnings, we’ve charted an extraordinary path around the globe, exporting our expertise and innovative products. Our commitment to quality and innovation has led to successful ventures in the international market.

First Steps into Europe (1961)

We initiated our export journey in 1961, establishing a presence in Europe. From Germany to Belgium, our expertise gradually spread across the continent.

Conquering South America (1964)

In 1964, we expanded our horizons to South America, bringing our products to Argentina, Chile, Brazil, and Uruguay.

Heading to North America (1965)

The following year, our influence reached North America, with partnerships established in the United States and Mexico.

Rapid Expansion in Asia and Oceania (1978)

The late ’70s witnessed our machines arriving in Oceania, followed by swift expansion across Asia. From Japan to Malaysia, we contributed to the growth of electrical power.

Opening Doors in the Middle East (1985)

In 1985, the Middle East market opened its doors to us, further broadening our presence on the international stage.

Over 50 Countries, Over 90% Exported Production

Today, our reach extends to more than 50 countries worldwide. Over 90% of our production is exported, solidifying our position as a global leader in the energy sector.

The Future: Continuous Innovation and Sustainable Partnerships

As we celebrate our history, we continue to look towards the future. Continuous innovation and sustainable partnerships remain at the core of our commitment to global excellence.

0Tap changers produced
0Tap changer produced per year

Our team is familiar with international trade and its constraints: customs formalities, handling of different kinds of transport.

We have customers in almost all regions of the world, and we will keep spreading our know- how and French expertise throughout the world.